Our talent has no boundaries.
We bring together the best of the best to help tell your story.
Our gems
Most gemstones today are created naturally. But there are some that are fabricated synthetically, you know…made up. Rest assured, GEM is the real deal.
Margie Mandli
Dreamer & Connector
Rebecca Lindley
Storytelling Rock Star
Tom Binder
Formulator of Ideas
Kristin Finaldi
Graphics Nurturer
Theresa Wilmot
Visual Problem Solver
You know that part in a movie when they role the credits? Well thanks for hanging around to see those that contribute to our core team!
While we each are independent in our businesses, the members of GEM work together to help you shine.
We even bring in other professionals when needed, like a gaffer or a key grip, whatever those are.
How it all started
GEM was inspired by Principal Margie Mandli’s children, Gianna, Elliana and Matthew.
It’s through them – gems given by God – that she and her husband find true purpose in life…by shaping, encouraging and enabling them to be the best they can be in all that life presents them. No amount of communications or marketing can be successful if there is not a fundamental belief in who you are and your own gems.
GEM works to establish and identify those reasons to believe – your brilliance – and helps express those reasons through strategic marketing and communications.
GEM works to establish and identify those reasons to believe – your brilliance – and helps express those reasons through strategic marketing and communications.
“It has the glory of God and a radiance like a very rare jewel, like jasper, clear as crystal.”
Rev. 21:11
Women’s Care Center – Milwaukee
The GEM team created a video that focused on the local impact the Women’s Care Center has by highlighting the adoption story of Kellan.
New Awards Program
The GEM team developed the branding for a new, annual awards program and continues to lead the communications efforts related to this prestigious program.
Discover your brilliance
Tell us what you’re proud of. Tell us your challenge. We can help.