We’re a full-fledged virtual agency.
Basically, we don’t have to ask you to help pay our heating and cooling bills.

Not every day you hear that now, is it?
Our talent has no boundaries.
We bring together the best of the best to help tell your story.
Our gems
Most gemstones today are created naturally. But there are some that are fabricated synthetically, you know…made up. Rest assured, GEM is the real deal.

Margie Mandli

Dreamer & Connector

Rebecca Lindley

Storytelling Rock Star

Tom Binder

Formulator of Ideas

Kristin Finaldi

Graphics Nurturer

Theresa Wilmot

Visual Problem Solver

You know that part in a movie when they role the credits? Well thanks for hanging around to see those that contribute to our core team!
While we each are independent in our businesses, the members of GEM work together to help you shine.
We even bring in other professionals when needed, like a gaffer or a key grip, whatever those are.
How it all started
GEM was inspired by Principal Margie Mandli’s children, Gianna, Elliana and Matthew.
It’s through them – gems given by God – that she and her husband find true purpose in life…by shaping, encouraging and enabling them to be the best they can be in all that life presents them. No amount of communications or marketing can be successful if there is not a fundamental belief in who you are and your own gems.

GEM works to establish and identify those reasons to believe – your brilliance – and helps express those reasons through strategic marketing and communications.
“It has the glory of God and a radiance like a very rare jewel, like jasper, clear as crystal.”
Rev. 21:11
Our purpose is to help you shine.
Women’s Care Center – Milwaukee
The GEM team created a video that focused on the local impact the Women’s Care Center has by highlighting the adoption story of Kellan.
Supply Chain Communications
Performance and culture were transformed through an integrated employee communications program that included a number of key elements.
New Awards Program
The GEM team developed the branding for a new, annual awards program and continues to lead the communications efforts related to this prestigious program.
Discover your brilliance
Tell us what you’re proud of. Tell us your challenge. We can help.
Margie Mandli
GEM Founder
Dreamer, Connector and Passionate Believer in People, Possibilities and Potential
“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
Margie’s father reminds her regularly that her contagious enthusiasm as a schoolgirl brought joy to the family…and even at times exhaustion. With almost 20 years at a Fortune 100 health care company and nearly a decade owning her own company, she’s gained a reputation as someone who plants seeds and watches them grow, watering them morning, noon and night.

Change, new beginnings and connecting the dots are areas she thrives in. She credits strong mentors and educators for her love for writing and entrepreneurialism.

Whether the challenge is big or small, she welcomes it with open arms, embracing the possibilities and seeking the creativity, input and expertise of her partners. She’s also known to see in people what they might not see in themselves, and therein lies the potential to do good. Devoted to her faith, her husband and three children, she sees her craft as just one way to bring God’s light to everything she touches.
Everything I have is a blessing from God. In turn, it’s up to me to give it all away for His glory. With the help and support of an amazing team, we are at the disposal of our clients – ensuring their interests and objectives are served in the very best way.
Rebecca Lindley
Started with GEM: 2016
Storytelling Rock Star, Master of Getting Stuff Done and Manager of Lots of Things
“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him.” – Jeremiah 17:7
Rebecca has always had a passion for creativity. She left the University of Wisconsin-Parkside with a degree in writing and wondered afterwards if and how it would ever pay the bills. A job at a Fortune 500 healthcare company connected her passion with her skills and she’s never looked back. Rebecca is a quick study – smart and talented, yet always humble about it. If you asked, she’d tell you that she simply wants to roll up her sleeves and create great work. Rebecca is a perpetual learner – give her a topic and she’ll dive waaayyy in. You can probably guess that her drive and personality carry over into her personal life, too, where she’s always up for an adventure. Besides feeding her addiction to Diet Mountain Dew, Rebecca enjoys spending free time with her husband, two boys and energetic chocolate lab.
“Working with the GEM team has deepened my passion for our work and I’m fascinated by the variety of ways that we all come together to make a difference for our partners. It is also incredibly meaningful to work with others who do what they say.”
Tom Binder
Started with GEM: 2017
Formulator of ideas, playwright, mad scientist, Jack of all trades, task master
Tom strives to please the customer by understanding the underlying need and then delivering results to them. After working in a hospital lab post UW-Madison graduation, Tom decided that playing with blood on instrumentation all day was no way to get to know people. So he joined a Fortune 500 healthcare company to showcase his analytical, organizational and strategic skills. His sharp eye for detail helps deliver the client’s needs. His diverse and multifaceted experience proves that Tom can handle anything that comes his way. Well, accept for pet-grooming. Don’t go there. But that doesn’t stop his three wonderful kids from asking to get a dog for the last 20 years. Tom’s wife agrees that pet grooming is not in his future, so they stick with cooking grand meals for family and friends and honing in on his goal to serve his Church.
“Working with the GEM team is so fulfilling! We all bring such unique talents to the table and it never fails to surprise me how we feed off of each other to meet the clients’ needs.”
Kristin Finaldi
Started with GEM: 2017
Graphics Nurturer and Good Listener
Growing up, Kristin always had a love for art and a need to understand how things are put together (she’s been known to repair her washing machine). These desires led her to study and earn a degree in graphic design from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Being told she’d never make a living with this degree fueled a tenacity that was unstoppable. She finds great satisfaction in creating strong visual communication for those she works with and is exceptionally proud of her trade. When Kristin is not trying to make the world more aesthetically pleasing to the eye, you might spot her running with her girlfriends very early in the morning or later in the day, creating risotto and short ribs for her husband and two daughters. All of which bring her great joy.
“I feel blessed every day that my path led me to the GEM team. The exceptional support I have received from each of my colleagues has been like no other. We have an opportunity to connect, create and cultivate partnerships with some incredibly talented people. That being said, we also believe that starts with a solid foundation. Believe me, they’ve got the goods!”
Theresa Wilmot
Started with GEM: 2019
Visual Problem-Solver, Team Cheerleader
Theresa brings no artificial sweeteners to the GEM team. Genuine and true in character, you will never find it difficult to approach this Creative Director. She decided early on that she wanted to be two things: an artist and a mom. Being both goal-oriented and nurturing, she has made both dreams a reality. Theresa loves the creative process but is not the messy artist type, which made graphic design a perfect fit. After graduating from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, she applied her creative talents in packaging design, theatre playbill publication, and textile design as a hat designer. As one of the Creative Directors on the GEM team, her talent directs the vision and creative implementation of a variety of projects for clients. When her mouse stops clicking, you can find Theresa with her husband and two daughters…and most likely a piece of dark chocolate. 100% natural, of course.
“The GEM team is an incredibly talented group of individuals – each bringing unique talent to the table that in combination results in beautiful and effective marketing and communication for the clients. On a personal level, I have learned from each one of them and grown in my own professional skills. I am grateful to be working with a team of individuals who put their best into everything they do!”
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